When was Haman Hung?

We are all familiar with the Purim story. The Jews sinned, Haman plotted against them, the Jews repented, the Jews were saved, and Haman was hung. But few people know when did that occur? Many mistakenly think that it has something to do with the Purim holiday. That is incorrect. The true answer is that it was on the 16th of Nissan, the second day of Pesach. Some people have the custom to make a special seuda on that day to comemorate the demise of Haman.

After the Jews fasted for three days (including the first day of Pesach, see http://www.shalach-manos.com/mishloach_manot_israel_blog/which-mitzva-did-mordechai-command-not-to-fulfill/ ) the evil decree was rescinded, and Haman was hung. It wasn’t until nearly a year later that the story of Purim came to completion, when the Jews were able to destroy the rest of their enemies, and kill Haman;s sons